Finally, Traffic Jams Will End: A Section of the Tashkent Ring Road Reopens After Reconstruction

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In Tashkent, the reconstruction and expansion of a section of the Tashkent Ring Road, passing through the Mirzo-Ulugbek district, has been completed. This road, the longest and widest street in the capital, had long remained a narrow “bottleneck,” unable to cope with current traffic volumes of 45-50 thousand vehicles per day. Therefore, a decision was made to modernize it.

The newly upgraded road now connects the capital with several districts of the Tashkent region, serving as an important transportation solution in light of the increased load on the city’s transport infrastructure.

Key Changes and Improvements:

Construction of an overpass: At the intersection with Buyuk Ipak Yuli Street, an overpass made of prefabricated steel structures was built. This method, used for the first time in Uzbekistan, has many advantages: the construction time for such a bridge is twice as fast as traditional bridges, and its lifespan exceeds one hundred years. Additionally, the maintenance of the overpass is significantly cheaper.

Expansion of the roadway: The roadway has been significantly widened, and it now consists of 6-8 lanes, which will allow for more efficient traffic flow distribution and reduce congestion.

Asphalt concrete pavement: Over 4 kilometers of the road have been paved with asphalt concrete, ensuring a high-quality road surface.

New underpasses and pathways: As part of the reconstruction, 4 underpasses, as well as pedestrian and bicycle paths, have been built, improving safety and convenience for pedestrians and cyclists.

Modern traffic solutions: Three turnarounds and 18 merging points have been organized, providing additional convenience for drivers and helping to reduce the number of traffic jams.

Intelligent systems and lighting: Along the streets, a nighttime lighting system with electronic control and intelligent traffic lights have been installed, making movement safer and more efficient. Thirteen new bus stops have also been built.

Roadside landscaping: To improve the environmental conditions along the road, decorative trees and green spaces have been planted, giving the city an additional aesthetic appeal.

The reconstruction of this road section is an important step in the development of the capital’s transport infrastructure, improving connections between districts and ensuring convenient movement for all road users.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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