In Tashkent, University Classes Will Start at Different Times to Ease Metro Congestion

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

In the new academic year, which starts on September 9th for universities in Tashkent, a practice of staggered class start times will be introduced. This measure is aimed at significantly reducing congestion in the city’s metro during morning rush hours and ensuring more comfortable conditions for passengers, especially students.

How will this help ease metro congestion?

The Tashkent metro is the primary mode of transportation for tens of thousands of students who commute daily to their educational institutions. Morning rush hours are often accompanied by overcrowded trains, creating discomfort for both students and other passengers. The introduction of different class start times at universities will help evenly distribute the flow of students over time, thereby reducing the load on the metro system.

Key benefits of staggered class start times:

  1. Reduction of peak-hour passenger flow: With classes starting at different times, the number of students using the metro simultaneously will significantly decrease. This will reduce overcrowding in the trains and shorten the waiting time for trains on platforms.
  2. Improved comfort for passengers: Thanks to a more even distribution of passengers, rides will become more comfortable, eliminating the need to push through crowds and find a seat.
  3. Increased safety: Fewer people in the trains means a lower risk of accidents and injuries, which is especially important in conditions of high passenger density.
  4. Time savings: Spreading out the student flow over different time intervals will help shorten travel times by reducing queues and speeding up train movements.

Thus, the introduction of different class start times at universities in Tashkent is an important step toward improving the city’s transportation infrastructure and enhancing comfort for all metro passengers. With the growing number of students and the increasing strain on public transportation, such measures could be key to ensuring smooth and safe movement throughout the city.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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