Two Traffic Incidents Occurred Yesterday in Tashkent Region: No Casualties, but Vehicles Were Damaged

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Two traffic incidents occurred yesterday in Tashkent region. In Bostanlyk district, a “Lacetti” ran off the road, and in Zangiata, a “Damas” caught fire and was completely destroyed. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the vehicles were damaged.

The first incident happened in Bostanlyk district, where the driver of a “Lacetti,” traveling along the Chorbog-Tashkent route, suddenly lost control and ran off the road. By a stroke of luck, none of the passengers or the driver were injured. However, the vehicle sustained significant technical damage. The reasons for the driver’s loss of control are still unclear, but experts urge drivers to be as careful as possible on the roads and to adhere to traffic rules.

The second incident occurred in Zangiata district. Here, under a railway bridge, a fire broke out in a “Damas.” The fire engulfed the vehicle’s interior, and the car was soon completely consumed by flames. Fortunately, the driver managed to exit the vehicle in time, and there were no passengers in the car at the time of the fire.

The causes of the fire are still under investigation, but this incident serves as a reminder of the importance of regular vehicle maintenance and adherence to operating rules.

Both incidents ended without casualties, but they serve as a serious warning to all road users about the need to be more vigilant and cautious on the roads.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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