Two Drunk Men Wreck a Store and Assault Customers in Fergana

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

An incident in Fergana has sparked serious outrage among local residents. Two drunk men entered a store in the evening to buy more supplies for their ongoing party. They were loudly cursing and behaving inappropriately, which provoked dissatisfaction among other customers who pointed out the inappropriateness of their behavior. In response, the intoxicated men went on to wreck the store and assault two people.

According to eyewitnesses, the men were clearly not in control of their actions. One of the customers, along with his wife, tried to call the offenders to order, reminding them that such behavior was unacceptable in a public place. However, instead of calming down, the drunk men became aggressive. They attacked the man and his wife, hitting them on various parts of their bodies.

According to eyewitnesses, the men were clearly not in control of their actions. One of the customers, along with his wife, tried to call the offenders to order, reminding them that such behavior was unacceptable in a public place. However, instead of calming down, the drunk men became aggressive. They attacked the man and his wife, hitting them on various parts of their bodies.

According to eyewitnesses, the men were clearly not in control of their actions. One of the customers, along with his wife, tried to call the offenders to order, reminding them that such behavior was unacceptable in a public place. However, instead of calming down, the drunk men became aggressive. They attacked the man and his wife, hitting them on various parts of their bodies.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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