Dangerous Games: Why Do Uzbeks Let Their Children Drive?

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

Recently, there has been an increase in incidents in Uzbekistan where parents allow their underage children to drive cars. These incidents not only provoke negative emotions and outrage in society but also pose a serious threat to the safety of all road users. Why do they do this? Why do they recklessly endanger not only their children but also everyone around them? The answer to this question is a blatant disregard for those around them. Just in the past week, two such cases were recorded. In Tashkent, a mother let her young daughter drive, and in Jizzakh, a father allowed his 12-year-old son to take the wheel.

In Tashkent, a little girl, about ten years old, was seen driving a Malibu car. Her mother sat next to her, clearly approving and encouraging this dangerous game. A video of this incident quickly spread on social media, causing a storm of indignation and condemnation. As a result, an administrative protocol was issued against the woman, and the car was impounded. However, is that enough?

Another similar incident occurred in the Jizzakh region. Traffic police officers stopped a Nexia car driven by a twelve-year-old boy. It turned out that the child was driving with his father’s permission, who was sitting in the front passenger seat. An administrative protocol was also issued against the man, and his car was impounded.

What motivates these parents? Perhaps they see it as a harmless amusement or a way to teach their children to drive from an early age. However, they do not realize the full danger of such actions. A child behind the wheel does not have the necessary skills and experience to drive a vehicle, which can lead to tragic consequences. They endanger not only their children’s lives but also pedestrians, other drivers, and passengers.

The most frightening aspect is that parents knowingly commit this violation, fully aware of the risks and consequences. Such actions should not go unpunished. Fines are just a small part of what should be done. It is necessary to toughen the penalties, possibly depriving such parents of their driving licenses or even holding them criminally liable for creating conditions for potential manslaughter.

Every time an adult allows a child to sit behind the wheel, they play with fire. They gamble with the lives and health of many people. Such actions are unacceptable and must be strictly suppressed. Only then can further tragedies be prevented and road safety maintained.

Let’s be conscious and responsible parents. Let’s not endanger the lives of our children and those around us. Every minute a child spends behind the wheel can cost someone their life.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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