Law enforcement officers found and punished a taxi driver who raced through the night streets of Tashkent

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

In recent years, residents of Tashkent have constantly faced the problem of undisciplined taxi drivers who violate traffic rules and create dangerous situations on the roads. A recent incident, captured on video and widely spread on social media, has once again drawn attention to this issue. The video showed one of these reckless drivers speeding through the streets of the capital at night, ignoring all traffic rules. Internet users even dubbed him the “Uzbek version of taxi driver Daniel” from Luc Besson’s famous film “Taxi.” The reckless driving style, high speeds, and dangerous maneuvers caused a wave of outrage among city residents.

Law enforcement officers quickly responded to the situation. Thanks to the work of surveillance cameras, they were able to identify the offender. An administrative protocol was drawn up against him, and his car was sent to the impound lot. However, as experts and ordinary citizens note, such measures do not solve the overall problem.

Taxi drivers who violate traffic rules are becoming an increasingly serious threat on the roads of Tashkent. Undisciplined driver behavior, speeding, ignoring traffic lights and signs—all of this creates hazardous situations and puts the lives and health of passengers and pedestrians at risk.

The problem requires a comprehensive approach. First, it is necessary to tighten control over taxi drivers’ compliance with traffic rules. Second, it is important to conduct regular raids and inspections to identify and punish violators. Finally, attention should be paid to improving the qualifications of taxi drivers and conducting preventive measures.

It is also necessary to strengthen interaction with the passengers themselves, who should be informed of their rights and ready to report undisciplined drivers. Only through joint efforts of law enforcement agencies, taxi services, and the public can the situation on the capital’s roads be improved.

With the growing traffic flow and increasing number of taxi drivers, adherence to traffic rules becomes a key factor in road safety in Tashkent. We hope that the recent incident will serve as a lesson and a stimulus to strengthen control and improve the situation as a whole.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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