Details Emerge About the Ambulance Incident Involving Onions: The Vehicle Belongs to a Private Clinic

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Details have emerged about the high-profile incident involving an ambulance that was transporting bags of onions. The Republican Center for Emergency Medical Aid conducted an investigation and found that the vehicle in question does not belong to the state emergency medical service.

Investigation Findings

The investigation revealed that the vehicle captured in the photograph belongs to one of the private clinics operating in Samarkand. This vehicle was used for transporting patients to medical facilities, taking them home, and providing mobile medical assistance.

Explanation from the Clinic

Representatives of the clinic explained that the clinic’s utility vehicle broke down on the road. As a result, they had to use the vehicle shown in the photograph to deliver the cargo to its destination.

Public Reaction

Despite this explanation, the incident sparked a wave of indignation and numerous discussions on social media. Users actively shared the photo and expressed their outrage. Many pointed out the unacceptable use of medical transport for commercial purposes, especially in situations where every minute can be crucial for saving lives.

Official Statement

The Republican Center for Emergency Medical Aid emphasized that private clinics must adhere to strict rules regarding the use of medical transport and ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.


We hope that this incident will serve as a lesson and help prevent similar situations in the future, ensuring the proper use of medical service resources.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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