When Money Matters More: How “Gray” Car Rental Companies Endanger Youth

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In Uzbekistan, cases of teenagers driving cars without a driver’s license are becoming more and more common. How is this even possible? Driving is a significant responsibility that requires not only knowledge of traffic rules but also possession of a driver’s license. However, the reality is far more alarming: teenagers rent cars from private individuals or so-called “gray” car rental companies that don’t require licenses, age, or driving experience. Essentially, all responsibility boils down to one thing — money. Pay the rental fee on time, and you get the keys, no matter your age or whether you have a license.

Where Are We Headed? Why is this happening? How did this phenomenon emerge in our country? It largely stems from the indifference and quick profit-seeking attitude of those who rent out cars. For many “private owners” working outside official companies and without documentation, the main goal is to rent the car and get their money. They don’t care who gets behind the wheel: a school student, a university student, or an adult without a driver’s license. After all, they don’t have legal obligations, and they don’t fear inspections.

This attitude is not only irresponsible but also criminal. We regularly hear about horrific road accidents where people die, and often the drivers are these very teenagers, unprepared to handle a car. They don’t realize the full consequences of their actions, they lack proper driving skills, and they simply don’t know how to act in emergency situations. Recently, a tragedy occurred when five school and technical college students rented a car, drove at high speed, and crashed into a truck.

The Problem of “Gray” Car Rentals Today, the internet is flooded with ads from such “gray” companies offering car rentals. They say things like: “No license? No problem! Age doesn’t matter, just pay daily.” This is literally open promotion of breaking the law, putting people’s lives at risk. And the worst part? There are hundreds of these ads! This means that every day, dozens of teenagers may be getting behind the wheel of rented cars, creating real danger on the roads.

Фото – Шухрат Курбанов (Kurbanoff.net)

These companies operate unofficially, skirting laws and regulations, meaning they don’t keep track of clients, don’t check documents, and don’t care about vehicle safety. It’s a gray market where profit takes priority over people’s lives.

Why is this phenomenon thriving? There are several reasons. First, it’s a culture of “shortcuts” and impunity. For many teenagers, a car is a status symbol, a way to show off. Parents can’t always control their children, and prohibitions only fuel their interest. Teenagers seek independence but don’t understand the dangers they pose not only to themselves but also to others.

Second, it’s a failure in regulatory systems. Official car rental companies operate under strict rules, where checking the driver’s license and age is mandatory. But “gray” car rentals fly under the radar, and they aren’t subject to inspections. This kind of activity remains in the shadows, and no one is addressing it.

What Can Be Done About It? There needs to be an immediate crackdown and tighter regulation on the operations of these rental companies. Government agencies must launch targeted raids to identify and shut down illegal car rental points. There should be hefty fines for renting cars to teenagers and unlicensed drivers. But that’s not enough.

There must be an information campaign aimed at both teenagers and their parents. It’s essential to communicate that driving a car is not a game but a huge responsibility. Teenagers who aren’t ready to drive should not be allowed behind the wheel — it could cost them or others their lives.

The key point should be the accountability of car rental companies. Those who rent out vehicles must be required to check documents, register the rental, and bear full responsibility for the individuals they entrust with their cars.

We all need to reflect on what’s happening on our roads. How many more lives need to be lost before real measures are taken? When teenagers become part of road traffic without experience or licenses, it’s a ticking time bomb. And it can only be defused through strict adherence to laws and the responsibility of all parties involved.

The article may contain inaccuracies as it is translated by AI. For more details, please refer to the Russian version of the article. If you notice any inaccuracies, you can send corrections via the Telegram bot: Uzvaibik_bot.

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