Officials Highlight the Main Issues Faced by Uzbeks When Purchasing Housing from Developers

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

Problems related to buying housing remain a pressing issue for many Uzbeks. Despite the active development of the construction industry, many buyers face challenges when dealing with developers. Recent studies and appeals to the Committee on Competition Development and Consumer Protection have identified several key issues Uzbeks encounter when purchasing apartments in new buildings. Typically, these include poor construction quality, delays in housing completion, problems with property registration, and others.

According to the Committee, they received about 450 complaints from citizens regarding the construction and purchase of multi-apartment buildings since the beginning of the year. Here’s what Uzbeks had to say.

Construction Delays

One of the most common complaints is failure to meet the project completion deadlines. Buyers who invested in properties during the construction phase often have to wait far longer than promised for the completion of the work. Developers delay the handover of the properties by months, and sometimes even years, resulting in financial losses for clients, many of whom continue paying rent or are unable to realize their plans to move into their own homes.

Officials note that this practice is becoming increasingly common. It is essential that developers take responsibility and strictly adhere to the timelines outlined in contracts to maintain trust in the construction market.

Low Construction Quality

Another major issue is the quality of construction. Some developers cut corners by using cheaper and lower-quality materials, which negatively impacts the durability and safety of buildings. Buyers frequently deal with leaks, cracks in the walls, poor sound insulation, and other defects that appear within just a few months after the property is handed over.

The problem is worsened by the fact that many developers ignore buyers’ complaints and are slow to address defects. Warranty obligations are often not fulfilled, resulting in additional costs for homeowners to repair and upgrade their apartments to make them livable.

Violation of Project Documentation

An equally pressing issue is the non-compliance of completed work with the project documentation. Developers often fail to complete the declared volumes and types of work or change the layout and materials used without informing buyers. As a result, residents receive a product that does not match what they originally expected.

Many buyers have filed complaints stating that developers alter the initial conditions without consulting clients, which is a serious violation of their rights.

Problems with Property Registration

One of the key issues buyers face is difficulties with registering ownership of the purchased property. In some cases, developers are unable to provide the necessary documents for the official registration of ownership, creating additional obstacles for buyers and delaying the process.

Unfulfilled Advertising Promises

Developers often attract clients with promises such as “environmentally friendly materials,” “well-developed infrastructure,” “modern playgrounds,” and other perks. However, in reality, many of these promises are not fulfilled. Buyers frequently end up with apartments featuring poor-quality finishes, without the promised amenities and infrastructure, which becomes an unpleasant surprise upon moving in.

Financial Fraud

Some unscrupulous developers create shell companies, which disappear from the market after receiving advance payments from clients without completing the construction. This leaves buyers without housing or funds, forcing them to seek justice through legal proceedings, which can drag on for years.

To improve the current situation, the country plans to introduce an escrow account system in the near future. The essence of an escrow account is that buyers deposit their money for the property not directly with the developer but into a special bank account. These funds are held by the bank until the developer fulfills all contractual obligations, including building the house and handing it over to the owner within the agreed timeframe.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article

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