How Expensive Medications Were Replaced with Cheap Ones in Uzbekistan: Investigation Details

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In Uzbekistan, law enforcement authorities uncovered two large underground workshops involved in the falsification of medical products. The criminals came up with a clever scheme: they purchased inexpensive medications, such as regular vitamin C, and by changing the packaging and labels, resold them under the guise of expensive imported drugs. These counterfeit products were distributed through pharmacies, putting the health of many citizens at risk.

Initially, the criminals bought cheap drugs, such as “Kaspargin,” “Piracetam,” “Dexamethasone,” and “Ascorbic Acid,” which were priced between 7,000 and 26,000 soums in pharmacies. Then, in underground workshops located in Kokand and Uchkuprik, they changed the packaging and labels of these medications, repainted the ampoules, and presented them as expensive drugs: “L-Lizin Essinat,” “Thiocetam,” “Mydocalm,” “Retabolil,” “Diprospan,” and “Actovegin.”

These counterfeit drugs were sold at prices ranging from 70,000 to 200,000 soums per package, which significantly exceeded their actual cost.

An expert examination revealed that the falsified drugs did not meet quality standards and lacked the necessary certifications. Moreover, storage conditions were not observed, which could have serious consequences for patients’ health.

The value of the seized counterfeit drugs amounted to 89 million soums, but if the criminals had managed to sell their products, they could have earned up to 625 million soums. This would have caused not only significant financial damage to citizens but also posed a real threat to their health by depriving patients of the opportunity to receive effective treatment.

At present, a criminal case has been initiated regarding this matter. Investigative authorities continue to identify individuals involved in the underground production and distribution of counterfeit medical products. Active efforts are underway to identify and bring all participants in this criminal scheme to justice.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article

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