An Illegal Vodka Production Facility Discovered in Tashkent Region: Criminals Operated on an Industrial Scale

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In Tashkent region, employees of the General Prosecutor’s Office uncovered a large-scale illegal production of counterfeit alcoholic beverages. As a result of an operational investigation, a network involved in the production and distribution of fake alcohol, which the criminals planned to sell nationwide, was revealed.

The operation began with the interception of an Isuzu truck on the M34 highway passing through the Chinaz district of Tashkent region. The driver was transporting 4,232 bottles of alcoholic beverages with counterfeit QR code markings. The counterfeit products were produced at the A-Sh enterprise located in Tashkent region and were intended for sale in the Khatirchi district of Navoi region.

Following the driver’s arrest, further investigation led to an inspection of the company’s production facility and warehouse. During the inspection, 47,673 bottles of counterfeit vodka with fake markings, worth a total of 2.3 billion sums, were seized. Additionally, 100,000 excise stamps withdrawn from circulation and 110,000 counterfeit QR codes, used for marking the illegal products, were discovered at the production site.

The criminals had organized the illegal alcohol production at a professional level, allowing them to produce thousands of bottles of counterfeit products and distribute them nationwide. Excise stamps issued in 2021, which have been prohibited for use, were used for the falsification. The scale of the operation and the number of counterfeit documents involved indicate the high level of organization within the criminal group.

A criminal case has been initiated based on the violations uncovered, according to the relevant articles of the Criminal Code. The investigation is ongoing, and law enforcement authorities continue to uncover the details of the criminal scheme and its participants.

This case once again highlights the importance of combating counterfeit products in Uzbekistan. Illegal alcohol production not only causes significant damage to the economy but also poses a serious threat to public health. Counterfeit products may contain dangerous substances, as there is no quality control over such alcohol.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article

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