Details Emerge About the Gas Explosion in a High-Rise Building in Samarkand: Who’s to Blame

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On September 9, at 5:30 p.m., a powerful domestic gas explosion occurred in a nine-story residential building No. 86 on Beruni Street in Samarkand, shaking the entire area. As a result of the incident, a 56-year-old apartment owner, who had recently flown in from the United States, was seriously injured. According to preliminary data, the explosion was caused by a gas leak in the apartment, which had been uninhabited for a long time.

Unaware of the accumulated gas in the apartment, the man returned, took a shower, and upon leaving the bathroom, turned on the lights. This action ignited the gas, causing the explosion. The apartment owner suffered burns to more than 90% of his body and was hospitalized in critical condition. Eight other people nearby were also injured, but fortunately, there were no fatalities.

The incident was reported by the publication Samarkand Vestnik.

Scale of the Destruction

The explosion caused massive destruction: windows were blown out not only in the affected apartment but also in neighboring buildings, including a furniture store located on the ground floor of the building. Car windows parked in the yard were also shattered, while carpets and household items were thrown across the courtyard, hanging from trees.

It is worth noting the quality of the building, constructed in 1979. Despite the damage, the building withstood the powerful blast. However, the floors and ceilings between the second and fourth floors could not withstand the pressure: the floor and ceiling collapsed, and the neighboring apartment was also damaged. The blast wave was so strong that it knocked out iron doors and deformed the elevator doors.

Potential Danger

The building sustained significant damage. Experts warn that even a minor earthquake could cause the building to collapse. Cracking noises from the structure can be heard inside, causing anxiety among the residents. For this reason, on September 11, it was decided to evacuate all residents from the building.

Residents’ Reaction

Many residents, who were left homeless, express dissatisfaction with the temporary housing conditions in the Korasuv district, located 4 kilometers from the city. According to Larisa Mukhammadieva, one of the residents of the damaged building, their temporary accommodation lacks basic amenities such as water and gas, and children are unable to attend schools and kindergartens. People are demanding relocation closer to the city and the restoration of their usual living conditions.

Consequences and Further Actions

According to the Emergency Situations Ministry, the entire building was not damaged, but three entrances will be demolished, affecting 48 apartments where over 150 people lived. The damaged part of the building will be replaced with a new nine-story structure, while the displaced residents are temporarily relocated to new homes in the Korasuv district.

Experts also suggest that the impact of the explosion may have been exacerbated by unauthorized building modifications. For example, illegal glassed-in balconies and repurposed garbage collection rooms may have negatively affected the building’s ventilation system and placed additional strain on the structure.

A criminal case has been opened regarding the explosion. Investigative authorities are examining all circumstances of the incident and looking into possible violations that led to the tragedy.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article

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