A resident of Samarkand built a pool in an apartment on the rooftop of a high-rise building

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In Samarkand, an outrageous case occurred: the owner of an apartment on the top floor of a high-rise building decided to fulfill his dream of luxury and independently built a pool right inside his home. This isn’t just new furniture or a designer renovation; it’s a real pool, like those found in the most elite skyscrapers of the world. But there is a huge problem in this decision — why are such people indifferent to the consequences for those around them?

After complaints from concerned neighbors, the inspection for construction and housing and communal services carried out an investigation. It turned out that a pool was indeed built in the apartment on the 10th floor of building No. 67-A in the “Sug’diyona” neighborhood, which was not provided for in the building’s original project. The inspection noted that this unauthorized construction increases the vibrations of the building during seismic events and may threaten its structural stability.

The apartment owner was fined and given a mandatory order to dismantle the pool. He was given time to eliminate the violation and restore the apartment to its original state. If not, the inspection intends to take the matter to court to enforce the ruling.

A pool in an apartment is not just a convenience or a luxury feature. It is tons of water that create an incredible load on the building’s structure. High-rise buildings are designed according to strict safety standards, especially in seismically active regions like Uzbekistan. Adding a pool to an apartment on the rooftop is not merely a whim; it’s a direct threat to the safety of all residents.

What will happen if an earthquake occurs? The building’s structure may not withstand the additional load, and the pool could collapse, causing tremendous damage and putting the lives of everyone in the building at risk. Even without a disaster, who will compensate for the damage if the water breaks through a wall and floods the neighbors’ apartments on the lower floors? Why is it so difficult to understand that living in a society means considering the interests of others? Why do some people believe that they are entitled to everything and that their desires are more important than the rights of others?

The problem with this behavior is not just about rule violations. It’s a clear example of selfishness and indifference. Living in a multi-apartment building is not the same as living on a private island. Every step, every renovation in an apartment can affect others. Why do some people believe that their desires are more important than rules and safety? The pool in the penthouse has become a symbol of how some are willing to ignore the interests of others for the sake of their own comfort.

This story serves as yet another reminder that the safety and rights of others are more important than personal ambitions and whims.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article

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