President Pardons 522 Convicts in Honor of the 33rd Anniversary of Uzbekistan’s Independence

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

In anticipation of the 33rd anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree pardoning 522 convicts. According to the document, the pardon was granted to those who sincerely repented of their actions and demonstrated a determination to reform. Of the total number of pardoned individuals, 159 were fully released from their primary sentences, 303 received conditional early release, and the sentences of 60 convicts were commuted to more lenient ones.

Among those pardoned are 56 women, 25 men over 60 years old, 233 young people, including one minor. Additionally, 19 foreign citizens and 27 individuals who participated in the activities of banned organizations were included in the amnesty.

The presidential decree emphasized the importance of not only the legal but also the social aspects of rehabilitation. Specific instructions were given to responsible ministries and agencies to facilitate the return of the pardoned individuals to their families, support their social adaptation, assist with employment, and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Special attention will be given to helping the pardoned individuals find a worthy place in society.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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