Uzbekistan to Experience a Sharp Drop in Nighttime Temperatures

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In the coming days, Uzbekistan is expected to experience a significant drop in nighttime temperatures. According to meteorologists, from August 27 to 29, nighttime air temperatures may drop to +15-20 degrees Celsius, while daytime temperatures will range from +28-33 degrees.

According to the forecast by meteorologist Erkin Abdullakhatov, a large-scale anticyclonic process is developing in Eurasia. Conditions are forming in Russia and the Baltic states for the development of central “cores” of the anticyclone, which will have a cooling effect on the weather in our region, especially in the southeastern part of Uzbekistan.

According to UzHydromet, by the end of August, the minimum nighttime temperature in mountainous areas may drop to +10 degrees, and in other regions, except for the southern areas, to +14 degrees. This anticyclone will continue to affect the region in early September, ensuring further temperature drops.

Experts also note that the weather phenomenon La Niña, which occurs every few years as a result of ocean temperature fluctuations in the equatorial Pacific zone, will intensify similar anticyclonic processes in our region during the upcoming autumn-winter months. It is thanks to this phenomenon that cool air masses will reach Uzbekistan, leading to a noticeable decrease in temperatures.

Residents of the country are advised to prepare for the sharp changes in weather and consider the potential cooling in their plans for the coming days.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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