Inspectors Found the “Malibu” Whose Owner Boasted About His Connections and “Serious Brothers”

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

In recent days, a video of a “Malibu” car equipped with a siren and flashing lights, similar to those used by law enforcement, has been actively circulating on social media. Users were surprised at how the owner managed to install such prohibited devices on the car. Some even claimed that the owner had “serious” connections, which supposedly led to traffic inspectors turning a blind eye to him.

However, despite these rumors, the Tashkent Traffic Safety Department took action regarding this vehicle. The car in question is a “Malibu-2” with the license plate number 01V728WB.

After an investigation, it was determined that the devices installed on this car were illegal. The driver was held accountable under part 2 of article 127 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility. The vehicle was confiscated and placed in an impound lot.

Now, the owner of the “Malibu” will have to pay a fine ranging from one to three basic calculation units (from 340,000 to 1,000,000 soums) for installing illegal devices. This case should serve as a reminder that breaking the law, regardless of connections, will not go unpunished.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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