Incident in Kindergarten: Two-Year-Old Girl Bitten by Another Child

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

In the Markhamat district of Andijan region, an unfortunate incident occurred in one of the local kindergartens. On August 16, a teacher briefly left the children unsupervised, which led to a conflict between two toddlers, during which one of the pupils, a girl born in 2023, was bitten by another child.

The situation caused concern among parents and the public, prompting the intervention of relevant authorities. The children’s ombudsman took this case under control and conducted a thorough investigation of the incident.

As it turned out, the teacher left the children unsupervised, which led to the incident. Due to insufficient supervision and lack of proper care, the girl was bitten by another child. Following this incident, considering the seriousness of the situation and the violation of professional duties, the teacher was dismissed from her position.

Fortunately, the girl’s health condition does not cause concern. Doctors reported that her condition is satisfactory, and there is no threat to her life or health.

This case once again raises questions about the need for more stringent supervision and increased responsibility among staff at childcare institutions. Parents need to be assured that their children are safe and receiving proper attention and care in kindergartens. Supervision of teachers, regular briefings, and the provision of additional safety measures should become a priority for kindergarten administrations and relevant state authorities.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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