Officials Promised to Solve the Problem of Buses That Stay Too Long at Stops

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

The issue of prolonged bus stops in Tashkent has long been a source of frustration for city residents. Public transport drivers often linger at intermediate stops, creating inconveniences for passengers and disrupting the schedule. Interestingly, officials had long ignored passenger complaints about this situation. However, “Toshshahartanskhizmat” recently took unexpected action, announcing the creation of a special working group to address this problem.

Why Is This a Problem?

Prolonged bus stops are not just an annoying factor; they are a problem that negatively impacts the entire urban transport system. First, such delays lead to schedule disruptions. Passengers relying on accurate transport arrival times find themselves in difficult situations: they may be late for work, school, or important meetings. Second, long waits at a stop increase passenger density at subsequent stops, which in turn leads to overcrowded buses.

Moreover, when a bus remains at a stop longer than necessary, it creates traffic jams for other vehicles, especially if the stop is located on a narrow street or a busy intersection. This worsens overall traffic flow and increases travel time for all road users.

What Measures Are Being Taken?

The working group created by “Toshshahartanskhizmat” has already begun conducting preventive discussions with drivers and organizing inspections at stops. The main goal is to identify the most problematic stops where buses idle the longest.

According to established norms, a bus should not remain at a stop for more than one minute. Additionally, the first bus arriving at a stop should move forward to the edge of the stop to avoid obstructing other buses from pulling in.

Officials are urging passengers to actively participate in resolving this issue by reporting cases of prolonged bus stops to the hotline at 1062. This will allow for quick responses to violations and improve the efficiency of public transportation.

Will It Work?

Skeptics doubt the effectiveness of these measures. The problem of prolonged bus stops has existed for decades, and previous attempts to address it have not led to significant changes. However, it is important to note that active passenger participation in identifying violations and strict enforcement of norms may help improve the situation, even if only partially.

For now, we can only hope that “Toshshahartanskhizmat” will indeed take all necessary steps to solve this problem and make urban transport more convenient and punctual for all Tashkent residents.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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