The Country’s Largest Marketplace Sells “Pen-Knives” Ahead of the School Year

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

As the new school year approaches, with thousands of students preparing to return to their classrooms, a shocking discovery has been made on the country’s largest marketplace, Uzum—so-called “pen-knives” have been put up for sale. This device, which outwardly resembles a regular ballpoint pen, actually conceals a sharp blade, making it a dangerous weapon. This raises a legitimate question: how can such a dangerous item appear on the market right before the school year, when children’s safety should be the top priority? Are we trying to arm our students? This incident is deeply concerning and calls into question the responsibility of sellers and regulatory authorities.

Such “pen-knives” could pose a threat to safety not only in schools but also in other public places. The presence of such an item in the hands of a child or teenager could lead to tragic consequences, especially in a time when aggression and violence among youth are becoming increasingly pressing issues. This product should not fall into the hands of children, and it is especially unacceptable for it to be sold on public platforms.

As the largest marketplace in the country, the platform bears a special responsibility for the safety of the products sold. The sale of “pen-knives” highlights a serious gap in the quality control and product inspection system before they reach the market. Such items must be immediately removed from sale, and the sellers who allowed their distribution should be held accountable.

Regulatory authorities and the public must be immediately alerted to this issue. A ban on the sale of such items should be implemented without delay, and the oversight of product safety entering the market must be strengthened. Additionally, it is important to conduct an informational campaign aimed at parents and schools to prevent the spread of this dangerous item among students.

This incident should serve as a lesson for all market participants: the safety of children and society as a whole must be a priority, and there can be no compromises on this issue.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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