Members of a Major Criminal Group Smuggling Drugs into the Country under the Guise of Laundry Detergent Arrested in Tashkent

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Law enforcement agencies conducted a large-scale special operation in Tashkent, during which a major criminal group engaged in smuggling synthetic drugs and prohibited substances into the country under the guise of laundry detergent was arrested.

Operation Begins: Arrest at the Border

The first phase of the operation began at the “Dustlik” customs post. One of the passengers crossing the border on foot attracted the attention of customs officers. During the inspection of his hand luggage, which allegedly contained laundry detergent, a substance resembling the powerful drug “pregabalin” was found. A total of 33 kg of the substance, packed in 11 packages, was seized.

Operation Continues: Arrests in Tashkent

After the successful first phase, operational and investigative activities continued in the vicinity of the Alay Market in Tashkent. Two individuals receiving the contraband goods were detained here.

The next phase of the operation led law enforcement officers to the Yunusabad district, where two houses were found to contain clandestine laboratories. These laboratories were intended for the artisanal production and packaging of powerful drugs. As a result of the searches, about 56.5 kg of prohibited substances worth nearly 2.1 billion soms were seized, as well as a significant quantity of the drugs “Tropicamide” and “Regapen”.

Operation Results: Seizure and Initiation of Criminal Proceedings

As a result of the conducted activities, law enforcement officers seized powerful drugs and precursors used for their production, as well as laboratory equipment, totaling 7.57 billion soms.

A criminal case has been initiated regarding this incident. The investigation is ongoing, and law enforcement agencies aim to identify all links in the criminal chain to completely eliminate the smuggling channel of prohibited substances into the country.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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