A Woman in Andijan Saved a Bird from Thirst

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

A scorching day in Andijan. The temperature rises above 40 degrees, and it seems even the air has frozen from the heat. In such unbearable heat, it is difficult to survive not only for people but also for animals. This is why Zoya Kogay, a resident of Andijan, became a real hero by coming to the aid of a small creature. She noticed a mynah bird suffering from thirst and dehydration. Without a moment’s hesitation, Zoya brought water and gave it to the poor creature. Bystanders captured this process on video, which quickly went viral on social media. People admired the woman’s kindness and care for nature, calling her act an example for everyone.

This touching incident reminds us once again that caring for nature and its inhabitants is our common duty. In a world where the climate is changing and the environment suffers from human actions, such small but significant deeds take on special value. They show that each of us can make the world better and contribute to the preservation of nature.

This act did not go unnoticed. The management of the Andijan Region Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change expressed their gratitude to Zoya for her compassion towards nature. She was awarded an honorary certificate and a gift, which was a well-deserved recognition of her kindness and attention to the environment.

What happened is not just a touching story of saving a bird. It is a reminder to all of us of how important it is to be attentive to the world around us. Nature and its inhabitants need our protection and care. Every creature, whether bird, animal, or plant, is an integral part of our common home – planet Earth. Such acts are especially important for our country, where, unfortunately, there is a lot of cruelty towards animals.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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