An Interesting Video Goes Viral on Social Media: Chicks Hatched from Eggs in a Truck Due to Heat

This article is also available in: Русский (Russian) Uzbek

Recently, an unusual video has been circulating on social media. A driver transporting eggs in a truck was extremely surprised when he looked into the cargo hold of his vehicle. It turned out that due to abnormal heat, some of the eggs hatched into chicks during the journey. The incident occurred in a truck transporting a batch of eggs from Samarkand to the Fergana Valley through the Kamchik Pass. Due to the unusually high temperatures throughout the entire route, the eggs in the cargo hold became so warm that some of them began to hatch.

Specialists explain this phenomenon by the abnormally high temperatures that have settled in the region in recent days. The heat, combined with the confined space of the truck’s cargo hold, created ideal conditions for the natural incubation of the eggs. Usually, eggs are transported in cooled conditions to prevent such occurrences, but this time, extreme weather conditions played a significant role.

This case became a vivid example of how nature can present us with the most unexpected surprises. The video of the chicks hatching during the journey not only amused social media users but also made them think about the impact of climatic conditions on our daily lives. Despite the unusual incident, the driver continued his journey, now with new passengers in the cargo hold.

On the other hand, this incident once again highlighted the importance of adhering to the rules for transporting perishable goods, especially in abnormal heat conditions. Drivers and logistics companies need to consider weather conditions and take additional measures to ensure the safety and preservation of their cargo.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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