A Promenade Zone on the Banks of the Salar Canal: A New Initiative from the Tashkent Hokimiyat

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The Tashkent Hokimiyat has proposed an unusual idea to entrepreneurs — to create a promenade zone along the banks of the Salar Canal, where private investors can not only transform the area but also profit from it.

What is being proposed?

“Tashkent Invest” has initiated a project to reinforce, improve, and create promenade zones along the banks of Tashkent’s canals. As part of a public-private partnership (PPP) program, entrepreneurs are invited to join this “green” initiative.

Private partners are encouraged to submit their proposals for upgrading pedestrian paths, installing navigation systems, benches, shelters, public catering facilities, and other elements that will ensure the project’s self-sufficiency and maintain the waterfronts in good condition for 10 years.

Why is this necessary?

This project will not only enhance the urban landscape but also bring numerous benefits for both residents and entrepreneurs:

  1. Creation of new public spaces: The city needs places where residents can relax and spend time with family and friends. The promenade zone along the canal will be an excellent place for walks, sports activities, and leisure in the fresh air.
  2. Development of small businesses: Entrepreneurs will have a unique opportunity to implement their ideas and create businesses on the improved waterfronts. This could include cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops, and other establishments that will attract both residents and tourists.
  3. Environmental improvement: Involving investors in the project will not only update the infrastructure but also focus on greening the area, making the city more eco-friendly and pleasant to live in.
  4. Economic benefits: The project, implemented within the framework of PPP, will be self-sustaining. Revenues from businesses located along the waterfront will cover the costs of maintaining it in proper condition.


The Tashkent Hokimiyat’s proposal is a chance for entrepreneurs to not only make a profit but also contribute to the development of the city, making it even more attractive for residents and visitors. The project has every chance to become a successful example of public-private partnership, benefiting all parties involved.

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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