New Scam: Fraudsters Extract Card Details by Promising Remote Work and High Salaries

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Fraudsters never cease to invent new ways to deceive the citizens of Uzbekistan. Recently, social media has been flooded with advertisements claiming to offer remote work with earnings from 500,000 to 1 million soums per day, supposedly from the Ministry of Employment. Dozens of people who believed this offer have fallen victim to the scam and lost their money.

How the Scam Works

Fraudsters promise easy money by working from home. In their ads, they ask potential “workers” to provide their phone numbers and plastic card details, allegedly for salary payments. However, instead of receiving payments, people end up losing their money.

The scheme works simply – after a day’s work, such as typing text on a computer, the scammer claims to have sent money to the worker’s card. Hours pass, but no money arrives. Then the scammer sends an SMS with a code, supposedly to verify the account details. Once the worker provides the code, the fraudsters gain access to the card. There are many such schemes to deceive people.

Social media is filled with complaints from citizens who have fallen victim to this scam. Users who trusted the ad and provided their details found that money disappeared from their bank cards. Fraudsters, having gained access to personal information, quickly withdraw the funds, leaving people with nothing.

The Ministry of Employment stated that it has no relation to these ads and urges citizens not to provide personal and banking information through social media or other unofficial channels. The ministry strongly recommends being vigilant and not falling for such tricks.

How to Protect Yourself

To avoid being scammed, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Never provide your bank card number and phone number to unknown individuals or in response to suspicious ads.
  • Always verify information on official websites and social media pages of government agencies.
  • Report suspicious ads and instances of fraud to law enforcement agencies.

These simple measures will help protect you from fraudsters and keep your funds safe. Stay alert and cautious!

The text has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please refer to the Russian version of the article.

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